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vom: 15.12.2000

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  Deutsche Version
  Kategorie: Mein erster Sloughi

My first Sloughi

by Marion Meise

While I am writing these lines my Sloughi Waqi Nuri al Baida is sitting on "her" couch and is looking at me with her wonderfully pretty black, like painted eyes.

As I was still thinking before what I should write, now many nice things come up into my mind. Waqi is not my first dog, but my first Sloughi. And this is a big difference. Before she came to us, I looked for information about different races and then I decided to have a Sloughi. It was the right choice, as I have never before had such a warm and affectionate relation to an animal. How often do I have the sense of touch: Waqi understands everything I say, do or feel. Certainly, every dog-owner says this, but anything whatever is different She has a very special kind of radiation-gift, sensitiveness, pride and charm. And she is beautiful. One could look at her the whole day, if she lying like a princess on the couch, playing, elegantly walking or just standing like a statuary. Sometimes she looks almost like a fairy. At home with us she is pleasantly silent and very easy to care for. Though, outdoors she is not quite lady like. E.g. she likes digging. No holes, but huge craters at least. When running in the open no hare or anything similar must cross her way, as then also I am forgotten, and Waqi is on her own. Calling her or crying doesn't help, I have to wait. And then she returns, happy, her tail wagging (without a hare). I think she returns because she loves me. And this is more important than strict obedience. To tell all the nice, jolly stories we experienced together would go to far. Waqi is such a fascinating animal, a real character. I hope we will still have many wonderful years together. She is my first Sloughi and she will certainly not be my last one.


Waqi (in front, right) with her brothers and sisters, photo: v. Hübbenet
Waqi (in front, right) with her brothers and sisters, photo: v. Hübbenet
Waqi two weeks old, photo: G. Schwarz
Waqi two weeks old, photo: G. Schwarz
...very close at mom, photo: v. Hübbenet
...very close at mom, photo: v. Hübbenet
…melancholy glance, photo: G. Schwarz
…melancholy glance, photo: G. Schwarz
Waqi, after-dinner nap
Waqi, after-dinner nap
Photo-date, Standard?attitude, photo: G. Schwarz
Photo-date, Standard-attitude, photo: G. Schwarz
anxious for attention, photo: v. Hübbenet
anxious for attention, photo: v. Hübbenet
Marion and Waqi, joy about JBOB, photo: S. Hintz
Marion and Waqi, joy about JBOB, photo: S. Hintz















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